Use of frankincense and tramadol to control pain from oral melanoma (canine)


My dog was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 oral melanoma. She is currently taking tramadol to control pain, and frankincense is being used to help fight the cancer, but I have seen literature contraindicating the use of both concurrently in humans. Do you have any insight regarding the use of both in dogs? We are currently without many treatment options given her stage, and are focusing on management and keeping her as comfortable and healthy for as long as possible.

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Asked on September 23, 2017 6:04 pm
Private answer

In your situation controlling discomfort would be the number one priority. I have no experience with frankincense. I would trust the veterinarian managing the case. Under no circumstance would I stop the tramadol.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on September 29, 2017 9:29 am