My dog wakes up anxious pacing and wining


My rednose pit rugby is 6yrs old reciently he began waking up with super anxiety whining at first then when i open my door to my room he paces for hrs

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Asked on June 16, 2020 8:16 pm
Private answer

I would recommend a physical and lab work with your regular veterinarian to rule out medical ailments. That being said, he may be hearing some sounds that you are not which cause him anxiety. In our area people are already setting off fireworks and firecrackers in anticipation of the 4th of July. Alternatively, even though he is not that old, this may be early onset cognitive dysfunction. There are medications that will help with this problem. One of the first on the market, Anipryl, has shown some success at helping this type of behavior.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on June 20, 2020 10:26 am