Kidney disease in cats


I have an 11 year old cat who on a recent blood test had very slightly elevated levels of BUN and CRE. For years I have been giving him a little Half and Half daily to try to get more moisture into him; A vet suggested this. He gets moist food in the mornings but won’t eat it in the afternoons so I feed him dry food then. Mice are also a large part of his diet. I am concerned about he phosphorus in the Half and Half. Should I stop giving him this?

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Asked on May 23, 2015 7:12 pm
Private answer

Slight elevations of the BUN and Creatinine are indicators that the kidneys are not functioning at full capacity. The amount of phosphorus in the half and half is not likely to be a problem at this point. Typically with early renal dysfunction as you describe, we will begin a program of subcutaneous fluid administration to enhance urinary output. If blood rechecks indicate the phosphorus is getting too high, we will add phosphate binding agents at the time of feeding. The easiest is aluminum hydroxide. Your regular veterinarian will need to teach you how to use the subcutaneous fluids.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on May 23, 2015 7:12 pm