I finally rescued a very timid chow after several weeks.


She is beginning to play and I can now touch her – but she is skiddish – can’t go close enough to bathe her (she really needs it) or take her to the vet for shots and to get a license. Any advice – should I give her any sedatives – she is making progress but it will be a while before i can do any of this.

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Asked on August 25, 2015 6:14 pm
Private answer

For new animals at the Sanctuary we do feel a proper admission procedure is important and will sedate these animals if necessary to do the required work. We will draw blood for baseline lab work, vaccinate, treat for internal and external parasite, and bathe on initial admission. Then we are comfortable taking our time allowing the new animal warm up to us for any future contact.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on August 25, 2015 6:15 pm