How can we stop stones in a male cat


I have a 7year old male cat who was blocked and had surgery on his bladder and remove cysts than six weeks later had to be unblocked agian I had his pee tested this week and they fond some cysts. I have him on royal caninn S/O and I also had him on science diet I’d what else can I do

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Asked on October 5, 2017 3:57 pm
Private answer

I am sorry for your cat’s grief. Lower urinary tract problems such as these are difficult to control. There is no simple answer. Dietary management can be one piece of the puzzle. It appears you have pursued this angle. Use of distilled water to minimize minerals is advocated by some veterinarians. Recurrent urinary tract infections can be a leading cause as well. For difficult cases such as yours frequent culture and sensitivity of the urine can be helpful. Due to expense, some veterinarians will try cyclic antibiotic use, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off while alternating the antibiotics. Yes, this can be for the life of the cat. It remains a fact that there is an individual predilection for this problem. Two male cats can be on the same diet, drink the same water, have the same activity, yet only one will have problems with blockage. That is the piece of the puzzle we are still missing.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on October 6, 2017 8:59 am