Bichon constantly licking her paws.


My 5 year old Bichon Frise had a struvite bladder stone removed surgically in November 2004. She is now on Hills Prescription Diet. She is constantly licking her paws. We think it is due to allergy. Any other food options? We tried Hills Prescription which gave her terrible gas.

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Asked on July 21, 2015 5:50 pm
Private answer

Hill’s does make a hypoallergenic food called z/d but a diet change may not be the best treatment. The signs you describe are those of atopy. We test these pets with a system developed by Heska Labs. If positive they provide an immune serum to treat the problem.

You can also request the screen to include food allergies and if this is positive they will provide a list of foods available best suited to your pet.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on July 21, 2015 5:50 pm