beagle just diagnosed with an elongated soft pallet


I have a six year old rescue beagle just diagnosed with an elongated soft pallet. What are the risks associated for surgery and how successful is it. Her only problem is she’s an extremely loud snorer. Appetite is very good.

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Asked on August 11, 2015 6:53 pm
Private answer

If the only symptom is loud snoring I do not know if surgery is warranted. Generally, the surgery has a low risk factor if the dog is in good health and the results are usually good. It has been my experience that many of these dogs with elongated palates show signs most when they are also overweight. If this is the case with your pet consider a diet! Symptoms may decrease and at the very least the risk of surgery is less with a dog of normal weight.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on August 11, 2015 6:53 pm