Question about dental hygiene


We have two Yorkshire Terrier’s (both under 5Ibs). Both are being fed wet food only (kangaroo and parsnip for one and the other one gets wild rabbit and potato). We have recently started to add some nutrition into their diet as well. The reason for this type of diet is that one of them is highly allergic. Both of them have bad breath and plaque on their teeth that’s why we have decided on a professional cleaning for them. Neither one of them likes the tooth brush. Tried it many times but all attempts failed. Now that we are getting a fresh start on their hygiene we are wondering what else we might be able to do to help them continue to have healthy teeth.

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Asked on May 23, 2015 7:11 pm
Private answer

There are a number of techniques that can help to keep the teeth clean. Enzymatic toothpaste placed in the grooves of “dental toys” can get the toothpaste onto the teeth. The enzymatic action can then help remove the plaque before it becomes tartar. There are dental chews which can help as well. Most of these dental aides are available over the counter at many pet stores or at your veterinarian’s office.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on May 23, 2015 7:11 pm