Are steroids shots dangerous to dogs?


My maltese itches alot, licks her paws, and bites with herself to to scratch her itch, ( No sores or broken skin) My vet has tried allerspray and generic otomax, she licks it off, also temarill-p and I couldn’t tell that it was helping.

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Asked on August 5, 2015 3:09 pm
Private answer

We recommend testing these type of dogs to define what they are allergic to and use a hypoallergenic serum to treat them. We use a system developed by Heska. We do use steroid injections if necessary. The key to safe use is to use as little as possible and to use as infrequently as possible to get relief. Also consider a diet change to a food without wheat or corn and one that has a unique protein source.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on August 5, 2015 3:10 pm